I don’t consider
myself a foodie.
It’s a
statement that I iterate in the same breath as when I say, “I am not intelligent”.
Somehow ‘not
being intelligent’ does not get interpreted as ‘I am stupid’ (thankfully).
Because what
it does convey is that while my intelligence quotient (IQ) isn’t quote-worthy,
I am nevertheless an able-functioning-being who can hold a conversation, participate
in discussions and also watch out for herself (and others) thereby still
contributing to society in whatever manner deemed required.
And now back
to me not being a foodie - it further also has this subtext: I for all seemingly fathomable reasons (i.e., not being
so ample) do not even look like a foodie!
this has been (and still continues to get) interpreted as ‘I don’t enjoy food’.
The above
logic of ‘intelligent versus stupid’ out rightly defied (even though applied to
the same specimen i.e., me) because well, I’m skinny!
That I can be
(and am) excitable about certain foods during all stages –
the build-up (i.e. planning/waiting for the
the devour (self-explanatory) and,
the story-tell (i.e. reliving the foodgasmic experience)
– seems to
astound many.
“Look at you”,
they say, “…I’ve never heard you sound this descriptive and ecstatic about food.
Not even when you’re describing your travels”
“See her
grinning so wide; so happy…”
Hmm... whaaaa?
Yeah I am capable
of being excitable about all things food.
Even though I
may still never know all the cuisines or the best places to eat them at or
manage the wide range of cutlery for that matter (when I’m ravenous, I pig with
my hands). Because in spite of what my physicality seems to suggest, if it’s
food that’s well-prepared (and I’m biased towards larger portions) it doesn’t matter;
even if it’s street food (another one of my biases incidentally).
Nor does it
matter whether its food that is super-healthy. Does it have protein, carb, fat etcetera
in proportion to my requirement? Let’s just say I don’t judge every morsel I eat
(which shouldn’t be confused with ‘living
to eat’ either).
And that I’ve
been ‘complimented’ on some recent weight gain might just happen to be a consequence
of a slower metabolism rate and a very very sedentary lifestyle!